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A unit (মানবিক) গ্রুপ-৪ (২০২২-২০২৩)।। (30-05-2023) || রাজশাহী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2023


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He said to us to make a team for this.
He said that we should make a team for that.
He proposed to us to make a team for this.
He asked if we can make a team for this o.
English is spoken by people.
English is spoken in England.
English has been spoken in England.
English is most natural when spoken by the English.
a prepositional phrase
an adjective phrase
an adverbial phrase
a noun phrase
appreciate the beauty of sunlight at night.
suspend your judgement till the end.
neglect the present situation for the glories of the past.
remember a fair day at night.
I am looking forward to receive her.
I am looking forward to have received her.
I am looking forward for receive her.
I am looking forward to receiving her.
To get admitted to a university is not easy.
To get admitted in a university is difficult
To become a university student is not easy.
Entering into a university is not so easy.

His is a unique problem.

This is his area.

His problems are his, not yours.

a and c

Life becomes difficult.
Life becomes a broken-winged bird.
Life becomes meaningless.
Life becomes troublesome.
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